A day in Verona: what to visit?

                                             Hey guys,

Here our last city destination in Italy: Verona. After leaving Florence we decided that we had enough time before our flight (that leaves from Orio al Serio Airport in Bergamo) so our train stopped for an afternoon in this amazing place.

Following our arrival in town, we walk from the station for a few minutes and soon we were able to notice the well-known “Porta Nuova” a monumental building created by Michele Sanmicheli, that it is located just before the city center.

Then we walked for a km in Corso Porta Nuova, an avenue full of shops, markets and restaurants that culminates in two roman arches that preceed the renowned Piazza Bra (Bra Square).


This plaza/ square is famous for the “Arena di Verona”, but also for the huge space it has, with a lot of good restaurants and even minimarkets.


There it was our occasion for taking good pictures and above all entering this special theatre (The cost was around 10 euros each person).It was built in the first century and It sure represents the best trademark of Verona. This amphitheatre is still in use today and is internationally famous for the large-scale opera performances given there.

Then it was time for shopping when we entered Via Mazzini (Mazzini Street), a particular avenue that links the two main squares of Verona and hosts all the best shops, restaurants and locations of the city center.

Through this street we finally reached the most ancient Plaza of the town, Piazza delle Erbe. It was once the town’s forum during the Roman Empire time. Its highlights are probably the north part with the town hall named Torre dei Lamberti, followed by Palazzo Maffei (in Baroque style) and in the middle with the Square Fountain surmounted by a statue called Madonna Verona, which is a Roman sculpture dating to 380 AD.

Next we were able to see “Casa di Giulietta” (Juliet House), inspired by the romantic tragedy of Shakespeare “Romeo e Giulietta (Romeo & Juliet). Noone would believe me if i told you how many tourists were there taking pictures at its famous balcony.


Another fantastic thing we wanted to see was the renowned Ponte Pietra (Stone Bridge), a special roman arch bridge crossing the Adige river. It is known as the oldest bridge in Verona. Even if most parts were destroyed by German troops during the World War II, it was rebuilt efficiently in 1957.

Being amazed by it, we could not miss the Castelvecchio Bridge, it was built by Cangrande II della Scala as a defence for his Castelvecchio Castle. It was ruined during wars, but always reconstructed.

Visit Verona has always been a dream for us and the city made a positive impact on our journey. If you have the opportunity to go there, do not miss it. It’s such a beauty.

Because we had so little time to spent here in Italy, we decided three best locations to visit and we were happy to sightsee Venice, Florence and Verona. Next time we won’t miss Rome and Milan.

Thank you all for you attention, next destination is in Albania, for a few days, we are going to enjoy Durres. Then we’re gonna fly to Berlin and some locations in UK are in our plans.

Stay tuned for more and and follow our amazing journey!

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